Roger, a successful secondary school student with Dyslexia using Penfriend in exams.

Roger began using Penfriend in Second Year after I saw a demonstration at a Masterclass workshop. He has recently passed his Standard Grade English in Fourth year, attaining a Grade 1. He will continue to use it in Higher English in Fifth Year.

It has been of great benefit to him as he has found it possible to hand in work that was all his own work; that could be marked on an equal footing with his peers; and he did not require scribing, or assistance from a learning support assistant: in other words, Penfriend levelled the playing field for Roger. He is a very able youngster, whose ambition is to be a doctor, and he was able to bring considerable motivation and dedication to his use of the software. He had excellent support at home, and used the package on the network in school and at home, transferring his own personal lexicon between home and school. Now that he is older, Penfriend XL’s expanded lexicon has helped to match his own extensive vocabulary.

ottish Qualifications Authority were happy for Roger to use Penfriend in his exams as he had been using it as his mode of communication for 3 years in school. Penfriend offers students predictive support for spelling, but does not over-support the students’ word choice, making it very suitable for more able students and well suited to exam use. Written by Gill Corden, Stirling High, and reproduced with permission.

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